11.02.2013 - Telipok, Sabah. This place is located in Kg Salut area, Jln Sulaiman. If you're coming from KK old highway towards Telipok, when u reach the traffic light, take a left turn and probably will only take you 5 mins to reach here. If you're from KK with new highway from karambunai, you will see a roundabout and turn left, in 1 minute you can see this place. If you still very blur with my direction, get someone to direct you here.
There are basically all stalls selling the same thing coconut pudding ( pudding kelapa ), grilled coconut ( kelapa bakar ) and Lokan Panggang ( grilled clams ). Even though many stalls selling the same thing but there is one stall that makes the difference, the first stall that is exist here, is this GERAI SUDI MAMPIR
I am from Tuaran, we know what is happening here. For many who didn't know why this stall got into one of a shot in a chinese food tv channel, i tell you why, because they are the first stall that started this pudding kelapa, kelapa bakar and lokan panggan business. and the rest are copy cat!! The male owner of this stall is an Indonesian, he has been living in sabah for donkey years and started this business. For you who never been to Indonesia. I tell you now, in indonesia, Kelapa Bakar is a very common food here. so don't be surprise that this recipe brought to sabah because he is obviously not from Sabah and this is not an original recipe discovered by Sabah, whatever you want to put it. Hell yeah!!
I have read the blogs of some silly bloggers have been to this place wrote "cari2 makan in KK or food in sabah" but at the sametime saying all negative thing about the food, how they think they could give people an idea or open up peoples' mind to try something new in kk??? stupid!! whoever read that haven't tried would have the sense of a reject. Poo brain bloggers are everywhere.
They are either not a food adventures themselve, dont like new taste, dont like to try something new or they a haters! A blogger wrote that " some people said" after eat the lokan panggang would have a up set stomach ( but that obviously not happen to him/her who wrote that "some people said"?? what a poo brain! just saying! duh...) and not happen to me either, even claim that they too can make this coconut pudding, is easy and even teach how to make the jelly coconut as if she/he is an expert! ( Peh ta han..) and said the kelapa bakar tasteless, just a hot juice and start comparing to thailand kelapa bakar!. but they didn't know that the nutrition they are drinking is actually that bakar tasteless juice!! and the worst part is that claiming that this recipe gonna be copy by other country. obviously he/she doest do her study. who is actually copy who. people just like to talk bullshits!! Giving out wrong information and telling negative point without a prove. sad.
Anyway...forget bullshits, lets talk something that can gives people some idea to experience food in Sabah.
I love how the coconut pudding here, it is served in cool. Coconut Pudding comes in one whole coconut. The coconut juice gelatine is fridge to set and served in whole coconut. The gelatine pudding texture is so soft, smooth and light. Taste so like eating coconut juice in pudding form. Just love it in this hot weather.
Kelapa Bakar is very simple and its name is not easy to translate too.. The burned coconut ( can i say burned coconut? cos i find it weird to translate into "GRILLED" the word is not so right... this coconut obviously not being grilled, coconuts were place in a homemade big gallon pot to cooked/baked/burned under hot wood fire till it is throughly cooked and coconut skin turn black. A blogger said the taste of the Kelapa Bakar is tasteless! i tell you why! Because it is original, 0% added no sugar. As we all know that coconut juice is very nutritious drink. It's a low-fat health drink. Deemed a healthy alternative to sugar- and kilojoule-packed soft drinks and juices, pure coconut water is a natural beverage with no artificial additives or sweeteners. It's cholesterol free, 99 per cent fat free, low in carbohydrates and naturally occurring sugars and has less than 100 kilojoules per 100ml.
The point of cooking the juice so as the coconut juice infuse to become more nutritious when it is drinking it hot instead of cold. The hot coconut juice could regulates blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol.
Gerai Sudi Mampir also served a variety of fried noodles, fried rice and soto.

Gerai Lokan Panggang & Kelapa Bakar
Jln Sulaiman, Tuaran, Sabah
Gerai Sudi Mampir is the 1st stall that exist here before the rest follow.
This is the first stall that selling coconut pudding, kelapa bakar & lokan panggang and the rest is a copycat. They deserve to be shot in this chinese food channel " Axian " 阿贤贪吃地图 Axian's Food
Variety of grilled clams can be cooked
Kelapa Bakar & Fresh Coconut
How lovely is this eh.....lovely!!
This is really refreshing pudding in a hot weather like sabah. U need this.
Kelapa Bakar
These are so delicious!! For those who too scare to try, i can guaranteed you they are clean, delicious, juicy and hygenic. I don't get stomach set up!
They have a ready coconut pudding for take away
and you don't need to worry to bring home a heavy whole coconut, they have ready made in a cup and comes with many flavours too, look at the colors.
1 comment:
Thanks for sharing such useful information. Its such confusing to decide which stall to eat given there are many of such stall selling the same thing ;-)
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